23 July 2008

Link Salad Round Two

Today's link salad has been collected over the last week or so, and involves a rather diverse range of topics :D

First up, a fabulous article on time management, something that I could certainly stand to improve on :S For example, I've been home for nearly four hours now, and have done 1 hour of house work and about 20 minutes of writing - which leaves over 2.5 hours of time wasting.

Looks like I really need to check out this 9-step plan to becoming a successful author if I'm to have any chance of making it! :D

Of course, we can't write about nothing - so if you're short on inspiration this awesome stuff on dragons had my creative glands salivating (er, interesting image...).

And as an addendum to the last Writerly Advice article on showing versus telling...

Today, someone on Critique Circle posted a link to a great article describing the difference between showing and telling, and giving some fabulous examples (showing, rather than telling, us the difference ;)) - and I thought it would only be right to share it with you :)

Ilona Andrews on Showing versus Telling.

Hope you find it useful, as I did.


Liana Brooks said...

(pokes Inky)

I thought you were doing a review of your opening lines sometime soon.

(poke poke)


Loved the links btw

Amy Laurens said...

hehe, I was, and am, and am glad you liked the links :)

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