20 September 2010

Mentoring Opportunity

Hi guys! Proper post for the day coming later, but for now I just wanted to alert you all to an AWESOME writing opportunity. Author Angela Ackerman is hosting a contest right now where she is offering a 3 month mentorship for one lucky person, which will include the following:

--A three month partnership where I will help you in any manner I can toward stronger writing, publication, increasing your online platform and helping you with agenting questions/search

--I will help you build or improve your query (if needed)

--A full read of your manuscript, offering advice on improvements and helping to brainstorm solutions if desired.

--An in depth look at your web presence and suggestions to hone your blog, increase followings and make suggestions with other social media to strengthen your online exposure

--Emails to answer any questions you have about writing, blogging, getting an agent, leaving an agent or how the agent relationship works

--General support!

Head on over to her blog and check it out! :)


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