08 July 2008

Random Post of the Week: Link Salad

So, I spent yesterday afternoon procrastinating, but it was at least useful procrastination - I trawled the web, reading interesting articles on writing and following linkies till I was lost amid the maze of the internet and up to my ears in opinions, thoughts and advice.

To celebrate, I thought I'd offer you a sampling of my link salad.

I have discovered an awesome blog by a fellow Australian - what's not to love? ;) - by the name of Justine Larbalestier. The name is a mouthful, but the site is lots of fun - opinions, insights, and randomicity in roughly equal proportions.

Some sad news for those of us hoping to finance our lives from writing - according to Tobias Buckell's Author Advance Survey the average advance for science fiction or fantasy is $5000 for a first timer, rising to about $12,500 after 5-7 years. When you're writing one book a year - see the comments especially in Nathan Bransford's post - well, you do the math...

Elizabeth Bear discusses the 'you're-good-but-not-great' stage of the writing career, where you're getting personalised rejections with encouraging comments... but they're still rejecions.

And finally, I discovered Storytellers Unplugged, which has an awesome array of tasty articles, not least of which these on layering reality and writing serial characters.

Have fun!


Liana Brooks said...

Ooo! Fun, I'll have to go play with these later.... let's see, a book a year.....wouldn't it be nice :o)

Merc said...

Cool links, Inky One! :D Thanks. I read Ms. Bear's post on good-not-great and it was interesting... ugh, I feel there but I'm not sure if it's voice or not. :S

I think I'm either not hitting the right markets or else the stories have something more fundamentally wrong with them I can't see. ;)

Will check out the other linksies later.


Amy Laurens said...

Well, I've only had 2 rejections so far (*is a baby in the submission pond*) but both of them have been the kind she describes. Personally, I wouldn't surprised if it IS a voice thing for me, since I'm still comparatively new at all this :S

You'll hit it eventually, Merkie. At least you've got /some/ sales out there!

I don't know about 'fundamentally wrong' - I can't see anything (not that that's definitive ;)). Maybe it /is/ a case of markets, since your stuff is typically, shall we say, offbeat?

*submission cookies* anyway. They can't hurt ;)

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